Candidate for
Panida Anna Anderson
Washington, D.C.
Southeast Region
Thai American Bar Association
Statement of Interest
Thank you very much for the opportunity to be considered for the Treasurer position for Samakkee in the year 2023. I want to be a part of Samakkee because of its vision of bringing Thais in America together by serving as a central place for Thai organizations to share resources and ideas with one another. As Treasurer of Samakkee, I would bring my experience as a finance committee member and subsequent president of two organizations, the Thai American Bar Association and the student government of my college alma mater (Trinity College in Hartford, CT). In both organizations, I became acutely aware of the need to have a systematic, organized way of keeping track of finances and to be strict in enforcing the rules within the organization to ensure that money is appropriated and spent correctly. I hope to carry these principles with me as Treasurer of Samakkee should I be elected. Thank you again for your consideration.
I was born and raised in Queens, New York to Thai parents who wanted me to be Thai by speaking to me in Thai exclusively in the home and by teaching me the values prominent in Thai culture. I grew up attending the local Thai Buddhist temple where I learned how to read and write in Thai and also made a lot of friends. As we grew up and moved away (I did most of the moving), I saw my Thai friends less frequently. I ended up going to college out-of-state, and currently live in the greater D.C. area. It is my hope that through participating in Samakkee, I can meet new friends and reconnect with old friends too.